ECO-COMMUNTEEmployees get reimbursed for every mile they ride. The person with the most public transit or bike miles wins a gift certificate to a local business.
RACESWe participate in community races and sporting events together as a company. Check us out in our ecovations. Come join us on the course!
YOGA BUCKSStretch for a Sustainable Future! Yoga is importance for calming the mind, focus and increasing flexibility. Employees receive Yoga Bucks for classes they take in the local community.
MEDITATION CLASSESEcovations hosts meditation classes in the Santa Monica Mountains. We invite you to come, get centered and join us.
Ecovations Lifestyle
The health of our planet starts with our bodies. Ecovations Lifestyle, Inc encourages active living for all of our employees and clients. We participate in community athletic races, local green events and host special events for our community, who saves saving the planet can't be fun!